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Izzie's Picture Book Pick!

This week I asked, Mini Reviewer, Izzie (4), to choose five of her favourite picture books to share with you. After A LOT of consideration, here are her top five stories. I have to say, I wasn’t surprised in the slightest!

1. We’re Going On A Bear Hunt - Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury

Possibly one the most well known children’s books and a modern day classic, “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt”, is Izzie’s favourite book to chant out loud (sometimes very loud). Full of repetition, the story promotes reading and is perfect for little ones to join in with.

Join the family on their adventure across the countryside in search of a bear. We love doing the actions together as we pretend to go through the swishy grass, squelchy mud, deep river and the snowstorm. With its dramatic conclusion, this is a story that really makes both young and older imaginations run wild. One for every child’s bookshelf.

A word of warning, the first time I read this to Izzie she was about two years old. I read it a little too enthusiastically and terrified her. We had to avoid the book for a few months!

If you like this why not try some of Rosen’s poetry, such as his latest collection, “A Great Big Cuddle - Poems for the very young.”

2. We’re in the wrong book - Richard Byrne

A photo posted by Kate (@kate.eccles) on

This is a completely new book to us and one of our current library book haul. Given the number of books we are reading at the moment, it is hard to find ones that truly stand out. Well this one does, the main characters, Ben and Bella are lost having been bumped off the page of their own book. The story follows the pair as they make their way through other, very different, books in attempt to get home. With puzzles to complete, differences to spot and even an origami boat to make along the way this is a unique and fun filled story. I'm so glad we discovered it.

3. The Singing Mermaid - Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

We just love Lydia Monks’ sparkly illustrations in this rhyming tale by Julia Donaldson. It is the story of mermaid who loves to sing. She is convinced by Sam Sly to leave her home and go and sing in the circus. But when things are not as Sam promised, the singing mermaid wants to go home, but how can she walk home with only a tail?

A photo posted by Kate (@kate.eccles) on

If you enjoy this then why not try "Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox" or "Sugarlump and the Unicorn".

4. Press Here - Herve Tullet

This is a fantastic interactive book. Just follow the instructions on each page and see what happens. Dots appear, disappear, move, change colour and size. All this is done with clever illustrations. The concept is simple, yet the books continues to amaze and delight the children each time we read it. I have to say, I’m pretty fascinated by it too!

If you like this you may also like "Mix It Up" and "Let’s Play" also by Herve Tullet.

5. The Tiger Who Came to Tea - Judith Kerr

Izzie’s final choice is this classic from the brilliant Judith Kerr about one little girl's extraordinary teatime visitor. Even though we have read this story over and over again, the children always seem to be surprised that it is a tiger at the front door! They also continue to be filled with amazement as the tiger polishes off all the food and drink in the house. It is such an imaginative story with fantastic illustrations, which capture the tiger’s mischievous antics.

We recently made tiger masks and enjoyed acting out the story. Here Izzie is pouring tea for the tiger.

I always thought the little girl's mummy had invented the story about the tiger’s visit to get out of making dinner for daddy. Personally, I think it is a trick we should all try at least once!
What do you think?

Until next time... HAPPY READING!
Kate & the Mini Reviewers xx


  1. I like your choices Izzie, but I have to say that I would find it hard to keep it to five favourites. I love 'The Singing Mermaid', but what about 'The Gruffalo'? xxxx

    1. Well this may have made the top ten,she did have trouble! Oh and of course Stick Man, Tabby McTat,Tiddler...

  2. What great choices Izzie! I've tried this with my daughter and she couldn't get down to five! She also loves The Singing Mermaid.


    1. She did struggle Catherine and possibly if I asked her today, there would be a few changes! This may be a series of posts :) #readwithme

  3. This is lovely to see your wee ones choices! What a great idea for a blog post. #readwithme

  4. I think we'd struggle to narrow it down to 5! #readwithme

    1. It was difficult for her! There are so many beautiful books out there and new ones being published all the time :)

  5. Great choices Kate. It's lovely to see a real mix of classics and contemporary. Shared it on my FB page.

    1. Thank you Mat. She's got good taste! Hope it inspires some other little readers out there :)

  6. A great selection, we haven't read We're in the Wrong book so must go seek that one out! Thanks for sharing with #ReadWithMe

    1. Oh yes do it is really very good :) Thank you for hosting #readwithme

  7. What a lovely list! There are so many books to choose from for this age group. The only one we've read is Bear Hunt, although we did have another Julia Donaldson/ Lydia Monks. For some reason we never had Tiger Who Came to Tea, but I did recently buy a parody of it - Teenager Who Came to Tea - for my son. I find it hilariously funny, as it could have been written about him. He's not as amused by it as I am!

    1. Oh yes I heard about the parody books, I think there is the Hungover Caterpillar and We're Going on a Bar Hunt too :)

  8. Some great choices there and a lovely mix of Julia Donaldson classics and books I'd never heard of (but will be checking out soon).
    Well done to your mini-reviewer. #Readwithme

    1. Yay so pleased there are some new books for you to try. Thank you for commenting!

  9. The tiger that came to tea is one of our favourites here too. Not sure if it is because the girls name is the same as my youngest though... A great selection. #triedtested

    1. You can't beat it really, can you? Glad you enjoyed Izzie's choices :)

  10. What great choices your little one has! I've not heard of We're in the Wrong Book so will have to seek it out.
    The Tiger who came to Tea is my favourite and I love the pic if your children acting it out. I'd never thought about the whole story being a rouse to get a meal out, might be worth a try!

    1. I hadn't heard of it either, a good library find :) Let me know if the rouse works!

  11. Wonderful choices - I ADORE We're Going On a Bear Hunt & The Tiger Who Came to Tea, plus anything by Julia Donaldson is fab. We will definitely have to check out We're in the wrong book and Press Here, they look wonderful for when my son gets a bit older. I was also thinking about my theories on The Tiger Who came to tea the other day and couldn't decide if I agree with you or if it was the little girl who wanted to stay up late and go out for tea for a change haha. #KLTR

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who ponders over The Tiger who came to tea! Yes, sounds like my little girl - anything to stay up late :)

  12. Some lovely books here. I particularly like any book by Julia Donaldson at the moment. #KLTR

    1. Oh and there are so many Helena- I keep finding new ones. My little boy loves What The Ladybird Heard and What the ladybird Heard Next at the moment :)

  13. These look like great books we have had most of them at some point. We're going on a bear hunt is an absolute classic #kltr

    1. Total classic and so good for encouraging kids to enjoy books :)

  14. Oooo! I haven't heard of a few of these, so will definitely be looking them up! I love the first at last though! #KLTR

    1. Glad to have found a few new ones for you Esther. If you do read them, please let me how you get on :)

  15. Oh these are all such fantastic books. I love the tiger came to tea and the singing mermaid. Thanks for sharing with #KLTR great to discover your blog. :)

    1. Oh thank you Angela. Glad to have linked up with #KLTR there are some great posts.

  16. Some of our favourites here, we love The Singing Mermaid and The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and We're Going On A Bear Hunt is a classic isn't it. Press Here looks good - I have had it in my Amazon basket for a while so this has made me press 'buy'! #OurFaveFive

    1. Yay! Press Here is brilliant. There are also a few more by the same author that look brilliant too :)

  17. I have a bit of a confession to make... I can't beat We're Going on a Bear Hunt - I'm not sure why and avoid it at all costs lol. But The Tiger That Comes to Tea I reviewed it on the blog a while ago and I just adore it an all time favourite classic. Thanks for linking up to #kltr

    1. Haha I think my husband feels a little like that about Bear Hunt! The Tiger Who Came To Tea is most definitely a classic :)

  18. Nice choices of books here... Julia Donaldson's books are some of my kids favorites too. #OurFaveFive

  19. Ahhh fab choices - Going on a Bear Hunt was one of our favourites for a long time - as well as The Tiger Who Came To Tea too!! Thank you so much for linking up to #OurFaveFive for the first time. I hope you can join me again for August! ;-)

    1. Thanks for hosting #OurFaveFive fingers crossed I'll link up for August soon :)

  20. I may well have to try Mummy's trick too, haha! A great selection of books here. We too love We're Going on a Bear Hunt and The Tiger Who Came To Tea. Will have to try and find the other ones too :)
