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International Book Giving Day 2018 #BookGivingDay

Last year we participated in International Book Giving Day for the first time by sharing our love of books with our family, friends and local community and guess what? We are planning to do it all again this year and today we are delighted to be able to share with you something very special... the official poster for International Book Giving Day 2018!

Here is this year's poster in all its glory...

This year's amazing poster has been designed by the incredibly talented Elys Dolan and features a fun bunch of characters from her illustrated novel, Knighthood for Beginners. Elys is a Cambridge based author and illustrator and you can find out all about her work on her website here. We first came across Elys when we read the hilarious, Steven Seagull Action Hero, a book that never fails to make us giggle! You can read our brief review here.

What is Book Giving Day?

International Book Giving Day is a volunteer initiative, which encourages people to give a book to a child on 14th February each year. The aim is to increase children's access to books and enthusiasm for reading. Celebrated all around the World, Book Giving Day has already reached places such as Nepal, India, Canada, South Africa, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Nigeria, Fiji, Czech Republic, USA, Cambodia, Hungary, Philippines and Romania, as well as the UK.

Last year we gave out books at our local library and Children's Centre; posted books to our youngest family members; and gifted books to several friends that were expecting their first babies to kickstart their libraries! This year we hope to leave some wherever we visit that day. It will be Half Term here and, in all honesty, we are not quite sure what we will be up to yet!

Anyway here are a few other great ideas from the Book Giving Day team:

1) gift a book to a friend or family member;
2) leave a book in a waiting room for children to read;
3) donate a gently used book to a local library, hospital or shelter or to an organisation that distributes used books to children in need internationally; and / or
4) support the work of nonprofit organisations (i.e. charities) that work year round to give books to children.

Just remember books do not have to be brand new, we will be giving out a mix of new and gently used ones. You can download the poster and find out more from the Book Giving Day website here and, if you do get involved, why not share your story using #BookGivingDay on social media?

Happy Book Giving!

Kate & the Mini Reviewers xx

1 comment:

  1. Edward loves our lovely book from last year and now we definitely have a growing library! Fab initiative x ��
